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sds-i net

  • Drupal,   Web Design,   Information & Networking,

  • Team & Project Groupware

  • Linux Hosting , Support & Maintenance

sds-i net is a division of sds-i ltd ...

sds-i net emerged at the beginning of 2009 following several commissions for internet and IT related projects. We decided to offer very specific IT services to companies in the business of developing shopping centres  and related real estate projects.

We also support projects related to sustainability, renewable energy and carbon-free energy generation.

Services ...

  • Drupal related website design.
  • Company information and networking systems - Intranet or web-based.
  • Company team & project work sites - allowing teams to work more efficient, saving cost and improving quality, while giving all levels of management up-to-date information and control of their projects.
  • Hosting services.
  • Linux migration.
  • Groupware products and services.


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Drupal ...Drupal Logo - the drop

Drupal is a free, open source Content Management Software (CMS) supported by thausands of developers round the world and used on sites from small newspapers, charities, NGOs to Sony and other major corporations in many languages.


Linux ...

Linux Logo

Linux is a free, open source Operating System (OS) that runs computers just like Windows or Mac OS, etc. Linux is the back bone of most internet webservers. As an operating system it is very secure and allows user to choose a range of equally free, open source software packages including Open Office package and it's various forks like Libre Office which is the most developed version.LibreOffice LogoKubuntu Logo

An extensive list of available software for Linux can be found here.

We are also using a range of Linux packages (distros) including Kunbuntu, Unbunt, LinuxMint, etc.

We also work with Wordpress and other packages.


Projects ... is a Wordpress website for promoting and renting out holiday apartments in the South of Spain. is the website of our company.

There are a series of project related to real estate companies that we host, support and maintain as a back office service.

And we are designing and hosting a number of sites for clients who prefer not to reference to their web design resources.

Other projects include:

Historic Projects -,,,

Current Websites:,,,,


Groupware are packages allowing Collaboration of teams of people or companies to work on a single platform across many different offices, companies, countries, languages and continents. This Intranet or web-based platform provides a central space to

  • collect,
  • exchange,
  • record and
  • present the work
  • in a highly efficient way.

This form of collaborative work reduces the need to

  • travel,
  • to send emails,
  • to store data and
  • it provides up-to-date information,
  • the same data to all team members in real time and
  • gives management on all levels accurate information and
  • deep control of projects
  • at any linked-up location around the world.

Therefore Groupware implementation provides

  • cost efficiencies,
  • transparency,
  • management control at any time,
  • on-time delivery,
  • easy and quick budget control 
  • early problem warnings and
  • detailed, accessable records
  • they are searchable from your desktop or notebook at any time from anywhere.

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